Thursday, December 4, 2014

Role Model

Through the success of Alex Morgan’s soccer career she has become a big time role model to many young female athletes. Morgan, star of the women's national team, “is much bigger than a mere rock star”. Being a top role model, Morgan took the time to run her first soccer camp for boys and girls on December 30th of 2013 in Pomona, California which had drawn over hundreds of grade school girls. She wanted to do more than just give back to the girls, Morgan wanted to share her love of soccer with the girls and let them know that their dreams and goals to become a National Women’s Soccer player can turn into reality. Alex Morgan said she was definitely not the most technical person on the national team. “I’ve really focused hard on that the last couple of years: getting my first touch down, working on my technique, getting that repetition that I didn’t get when I was younger. She felt that you are able to learn much more when you’re younger. “If they can learn good technique when they’re younger, they can be even better than the player that I have become.” Not only does she run soccer camps, Morgan also has her own book called, "Saving the Team," the first in a series of children's books about four soccer players called "The Kicks," debuted at No. 7 on The New York Times best-seller list for children's middle grade. At the end of the day in my opinion Alex Morgan is one of the best women role models because she gives off a positive image of herself and she never forgets where she comes from. Not only does she want to remain successful she wants the future of young boys but mainly girls to improve on becoming successful.

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